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Sunday, April 28, 2019

Thursday, April 25, 2019 

1) From ABC News, I’m Daria Albinger. Facebook bracing for a massive fine from federal regulators after a series of data privacy scandal. “In Facebook first-quarter earnings, it’s taking a $3 billion charge as a contingency against the possible fine by the Federal Trade Commission. The FTC has been looking into whether Facebook has violated a 2011 agreement to protect user privacy. That charge has not come down yet, but it appears Facebook is expecting it as the company has already worked into its earnings. Facebook reporting revenue growth in the first quarter to $15 billion with over 2 billion monthly users. Alex Stone, ABC News.”

2) President Trump fighting back against Democrats’ potential subpoena. “These aren’t like impartial people. The Democrats are trying to win 2020. They’re not gonna to win with the people that I see, and they’re not gonna win against me. The only way they can maybe luck out, and I don’t think that’s going to happen. It might make it even the opposite. That’s what a lot of people are saying. The only way they can luck out is by constantly going after me or nonsense.”

3) In Illinois, police announcing charges against parents of a boy who went missing nearly a week ago. Crystal Lake Police Chief Jim Black says when they brought new cellphone evidence to the parents of AJ Freund, the parents gave them information that led investigators to the boy’s body. It It was found wrapped in plastic in a shallow grave nearby Woodstock. The parents now face multiple counts including murder. The news ends a nearly weeklong search for the boy. “To AJ, we know you’re at peace playing in heaven’s playground and are happy. You no longer have to suffer.” Police did not reveal the cause of death. Ryan Burrow, ABC News, Crystal Lake, Illinois.

4) The head of the Boy Scouts says they want to create a national registry that can stop accused sexual abusers from joining other organizations. The comments come after revelations there were more than 12,000 victims of sexual abuse within the Scouts. You’re listening to ABC News.

From the Fox Business Network, stocks closing in the red as corporate earnings are in focus. Among the gainers today real estate companies and utilities, while energy and banks lagged with the Dow falling 59 points, the NASDAQ down 19, S&P 500 down 6. // And after the closing bell, Facebook shares jumping even as the company says it expects to pay $3 billion fine to the Federal Trade Commission. The onetime charge slashes Facebook’s first-quarter net income considerably, although revenue grew by 25% in the first quarter. The social media giant managed not only to stay afloat but also continue to thrive with record profit, revenue and user numbers. // And Chipotle reporting quarterly earnings and revenue beating analysts’ expectations. The Mexican fast food chain has been focusing on endorsing sales with digital enhancement with the new loyalty program and investment in delivery and online order pickup. // And Microsoft beating Wall Street estimates for quarterly revenue fueled by its Azure cloud computing unit. With the Fox Business Report, I’m Hilarie Barsky.