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Thursday, February 28, 2019

Thursday, February 21, 2019 

1) From ABC News, I’m Scott Goldberg. Next week, President Trump heads to Vietnam for a second sit-down with the leader of North Korea. President Trump said he is optimistic about his upcoming summit with Kim Jong-un predicting next week in Vietnam. “I think we’ll accomplish a lot. We started off with a very good meeting. I think we’ll continue that long.” The President insists that there has been progress since their first summit in Singapore last June. “There is no nuclear testing, no missiles going up and we have a good relationship, very good relationship.” President Trump predicted it wouldn’t be the last meeting he has with the North Korean leader. Karen Travers, ABC News at the White House.

2) The President says it’s possible while he’s in Vietnam the special council could release his report on the Russia investigation and the President says his new Attorney General William Barr will decide that. The American people see it. “That’ll be totally up to the new attorney general. He is a tremendous man.” Barr told Congress during his confirmation hearing he will make it as much public as legally required.

3) The President has now tweeted he told Secretary of State Mike Pompeo not to allow a woman back into the U.S. after she went to Syria to become an ISIS bride. Now the woman’s attorney is responding “Hoda Muthana is not a U.S. citizen and will not be admitted into the country. According to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Muthana left Alabama four years ago to join ISIS and now wants to return home. Her lawyer says she’s ready to face justice. Currently she is at a refugee camp in eastern Syria and her lawyer responded to the State Department’s claims saying, quote, the Trump Administration continues its attempts to wrongfully strip citizens of their citizenship.” ABC’s Serena Marshall. Muthana was born in New Jersey and her lawyer says she had a U.S. passport.

4) An attorney for drug lord Joaquín Guzmán known as “El Chapo” says Guzmán may challenge his conviction. His attorney told Vice News some of the jurors read news coverage of the case during the trial which would be a violation of the judge’s instructions. The attorney claims others also discussed the case.

5) On Wall Street today, stocks finished slightly higher. The Dow picked up 63 points. You’re listening to ABC News.
From the Fox Business Network; on Wall Street, the major averages closing in the green after minutes from the Fed’s latest meeting in January showed officials expressed greater concern about risks to economic growth prompting them to cause interest-rate increases. With the Dow closing up 63 points, the NASDAQ closing up 2, notching its eighth straight day of gains, the S&P 500 up 5. Among the Dow leaders today, Boeing, DowDuPont and Caterpillar. The laggards include Walmart and Walgreens. // And Samsung celebrating its 10th anniversary added the Galaxy line, unveiling its highly anticipated smartphone with a foldable screen. The Galaxy Fold will be available on April the 26th for a starting price of close to 2,000 bucks. Samsung is hoping that the Galaxy Fold will spur more people to upgrade their phones and reverse its sales up for the smartphone maker. With the Fox Business Report, I’m Hilarie Barsky.